Alexey Korotkevich

Frontend Developer at Cyfrania

My App Is 99% Ready, Just Lacking the Final Touch

My project is almost done, but circumstances led the previous developers to leave. You only need to add the finishing touches and launch the application. We come across this request repeatedly in our development company. Entrepreneurs from various countries and industries, regardless of their business nature, reach out to us with the exact same phrase. Almost invariably, after examining the project, the same realization emerges - the code left by previous developers is utterly useless. Our colleague Katherine Pavlovic has already described a [common scenario where entrepreneurs…

Graphic Design Purposes Through the Eyes of a Front-End Developer

Graphic design is a crucial aspect of software development. This article will explain how visual design impacts software engineering. Whether you're an experienced e-commerce professional handling multiple websites, or a beginner considering your first foray into the virtual world, I believe hearing from a web engineer can be incredibly valuable in protecting you from costly mistakes. As a front-end developer, I believe graphic design is a crucial aspect of software development. **In my recent project, I began software development…