Legacy App Modernization Services

We keep apps current and functioning at their best and help app owners tackle legacy-related issues. Apps that haven't been updated for a long time, poor performance, cluttered databases, data breaches, new tech incompatibility - we will sort all of this out.

What We Do

Independent Code Audit

We’ll identify technical defects within your app’s codebase, prioritize them, and provide an expert report that highlights:

  • Outdated data, components, and integrations with external services
  • Technical causes of performance issues and obstacles to expanding functionality
  • Compliance and security problems

Legacy Modernization Consulting

We’ll assess the app's state, determine which issues are most pressing for you, and research solutions. Then, we will offer specific recommendations on:

  • Modernization options with comparative timelines, costs, and benefits
  • Preliminary modernization plan
  • Expected challenges and measures to address them

Database Cleanup, Conversion, and Migration

We’ll remove outdated records and optimize data processing performance. Furthermore, if required, we can:

  • Perform critical data backups and restructure databases for better performance
  • Migrate your database to a new infrastructure for better scalability
  • Develop APIs to ensure external access to your data

Application Performance Optimization

We’ll conduct systematic performance analysis and tech audits on the legacy app to pinpoint the root causes of poor performance. We then:

  • Prioritize issues such as obsolete data, processes, integrations, and structural defects
  • Modernize app components, focusing on critical problems
  • Continuously monitor performance

Goal-Centric Legacy App Modernization

We’ll identify your most urgent challenges, like enabling specific integrations or ensuring regulatory compliance, to select the best modernization method:

  • Refactoring, re-architecting, containerization, API creation
  • Cloud migration or transfer to another infrastructure
  • Splitting monoliths into microservices

Why Choose Us

Industry Expertise

We’ve updated a variety of apps and understand what the specific legacy issues in FinTech are, and what they are in eCommerce or HealthTech. For you, this translates to faster and smoother progress.

We get straight to fixing, while newcomers are still figuring things out at your expense.

Support for Most Mainstream Tech

We work with various tech and can usually achieve high performance within your existing tech stack.

When it comes to changing it, we always carefully weigh the pros and cons with you before deciding whether it’s worth it for new opportunities or if it would be unjustified.

Effective Workflow

We work incrementally with weekly iterations. This means you see progress every week. We also maintain a balance between improving the app's internals and enhancing usability, so upgrades quickly become tangible benefits for users.

And we align with your priorities at least once a week.

Customer Centricity

We don't modernize just for the sake of it. We become part of your team and fight for your business as if it were our own.

So, we never start work until we’ve double-checked how it will benefit you and your users and if there are better and shorter ways to achieve this.


How do I know if I am using a legacy system?

It’s likely a legacy system if its components haven’t been updated in years, it struggles to interact with newer systems, faces increasing maintenance challenges, doesn’t meet current security standards, and cannot efficiently support the evolving needs of your business.

How do legacy systems affect businesses?

Legacy systems can harm your business by creating operational inefficiencies, limiting the ability to adapt to new demands and scale, increasing maintenance costs, posing security risks, and leading to competitive disadvantages.

What makes maintaining legacy systems costly?

Legacy systems consume significantly more computing resources due to inefficient processes and outdated data clutter. They often require repairs due to instability under load fluctuations and compatibility issues with external services. Adding new features and integrations is also much more costly for the same reasons.

When should I replace my legacy system?

It's worth considering when your legacy system hinders competitiveness, incurs high maintenance costs, hampers productivity due to inefficiencies, cannot integrate with required services, or fails to meet current security and regulatory standards.

Why is it hard to replace a legacy system?

It might be tough because it’s a large amount of work to replace infrastructure, move your databases and business processes, and re-integrate them with all your other digital systems. We'll also need to make sure we don't lose important data, disrupt workflows, or make the app unavailable to users. Plus, you need to retrain your staff.

What risks should you be aware of when modernizing your legacy system?

It is important to take measures against potential data loss during migration, the possibility of new system failures, disruption to business operations, loss of users due to temporary app unavailability, and unexpected costs from underestimating the workload.

What are the benefits of legacy modernization?

It delivers several real benefits: better efficiency and performance, lower maintenance and development costs, compliance with current standards, scalability, and the ability to add any functionality. Ultimately, it boosts overall business agility and competitiveness.