Quality Assurance Services

We believe an app should work flawlessly, be secure, and provide users with an enjoyable experience. All that’s required is to establish and perfect a reliable quality assurance (QA) process. Trust us to do it, and see the impact it makes.

What We Do

Automated Testing

We ensure complete coverage of your web or mobile app with automated testing, adhering to industry best practices by:

  • Writing acceptance tests that check user-visible feature behavior for each new task
  • Writing unit tests for code components and API request tests for integrations
  • Setting up a continuous integration system (CI) that runs the test suite for each app update

Manual Testing

We do manual testing on your web or mobile app, providing an extra layer of inspection through human eyes that goes beyond automated procedures. This includes:

  • Manual verification of system responses to both typical and unusual user actions
  • Checking for design, navigation, and usability issues
  • Spotting any UI inconsistencies

Test Automation Tools We Use

We apply world-class QA methodologies and tools to accelerate and enhance the efficiency of the testing process.

Acceptance Testing Automation

  • Selenium has long been a classic tool for automating acceptance testing, often used in combination with Ruby on Rails, Django, and Laravel.
  • Cypress works exceptionally well with Next.js.
  • Playwright is a modern, reliable, and promising testing tool designed by Microsoft.
  • HtmlUnit is a classic choice for automating tests in Java and Scala apps.

Mobile QA Automation

  • XCUItest is a robust tool designed for automating iOS mobile app tests.
  • Espresso is a lightweight framework for Android app test automation.
  • Appium is an alternative solution that works for both iOS and Android.

Why Choose Us?

Numerous Success Stories

Testing and quality assurance are integral elements of every project we manage. Leveraging our experience, they contribute to project success also by shortening time-to-market and cutting costs through early bug detection and resolution.

Strong Management and Communication

Our self-directed teams autonomously design, implement, and consistently improve the QA process, ensuring strong collaboration with the development team and stakeholders. Moreover, our workflow is entirely transparent to the project owner.

Full Responsibility

We take on the complete responsibility for the project’s technical side, covering technology choices, QA process setup, and continuous oversight, to ensure the efficient delivery of QA services. We also oversee cost control, ensuring that expenses remain predictable.


Why do business apps need QA, and can it be skipped?

QA identifies and fixes app defects, bugs, and vulnerabilities before release, reducing the risk of crashes, user churn, and associated costs. While QA is essential, small startups sometimes skip hiring QA engineers, opting to conduct manual testing themselves or gather bug reports from beta users.

What is QA as a service?

If the entire development process is outsourced to a remote team, QA services will be part of the package, as they are an essential aspect of building an app. However, the app owner can also request QA services as a standalone option to ease the workload of the main development team.

What is the role of a QA engineer?

A QA engineer handles manual testing of finished features, identifies bugs, and provides feedback to developers. As for defining tasks (writing user stories) and creating automated tests, this can be done by either QA engineers or developers themselves, depending on the team.

What is the difference between quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC)?

In IT, QA generally means “automated and manual code testing.” Broadly, you can distinguish QC - defect detection (running tests) and QA - defect prevention (writing tests). If you take an even broader view, QA can also encompass other code quality assurance activities like pair programming, code review, mentoring, and so on.

How can companies measure the effectiveness of the QA processes?

To understand the effectiveness of outsourced QA, the app owner can monitor relevant quantitative metrics that apply to their business, such as defect detection rates, time to resolve defects, production defect leakage, customer reported defects, user satisfaction ratings, churn rate, support ticket volume, and more.