Topic: Costs

We unpack the costs of software development. Gain valuable insights into the financial factors and considerations that influence development expenses.

  • Why Fixed Budgets Are Perfect for Time and Material Contracts

    For some reason, many people feel uncomfortable with clearly defined budgets or even can't tell the exact sum of money they need. Some customers worry that their budget is too small and with such a budget, no one will take up the development of their idea. Some developers are afraid that the budget will not be enough or they will not fit into a tiny budget. However, having a clearly defined budget is excellent. We have a significant number of customers. And by "a significant number" we should understand dozens at this particular moment and hundreds over the years…

  • How Much Does It Cost to Build an eCommerce Website?

    As a business consultant, I frequently browse and, platforms where I can ask questions and connect with people who offer valuable insights and interesting answers. After spending a lot of time on these sites, I've come to the conclusion that when people are discussing website or app development, they have price in mind first and foremost. Price, price, and nothing but price. Cost analysis is usually reduced to multiplying the number of development hours by the average programmer's rate. In my opinion, it is better to consider the cost on a specific example. Let's take an…

  • App Maintenance Costs and How to Reduce Them

    The application development lifecycle consists of the planning, development, deployment and maintenance phases. Each of these phases is associated with certain costs and expenses. Before the start of application development, every entrepreneur is faced with the task of choosing the most suitable price contract: time and materials or fixed price. In the development stage, it is essential to consider the salaries and wages of the app development team. The deployment phase includes the cost of installing and configuring servers,…

  • Time and Materials vs Fixed Price: Which Fits Your Business?

    Money and deadlines are the two aspects that concern entrepreneurs the most when they want to develop an app or a website. This is not surprising, as everyone wants to save money and realize their idea as soon as possible, as time plays against them in the highly competitive IT world. When searching for developers, the entrepreneurs should pay attention not only to their professional skills, expertise and experience, but also to the pricing contract they use. The early outsourcing contracts were traditionally based on a fixed price model, but nowadays, another business…

  • How to Reduce App Development Cost?

    How to create an app and not go bankrupt? How to reduce the app development price? Sooner or later, every entrepreneur asks themselves these questions. It's good if this happens before the start of app development. However, it often happens when app development expenses are already out of control. What does this mean? The entrepreneur and the development team had agreed on a certain amount, but the budget has long since exceeded the acceptable limit. This is the worst nightmare for any entrepreneur who dreams of bringing their idea to life as quickly as possible, but the developers fail…

  • App Development Cost or Dollars per Month

    If someone asks "How much does it cost to build an app?", what answer do they expect? Probably the answer should be a number. If so, a number of what? Well, the cost is measured in dollars, right? While for a one-time purchase the cost is in dollars, building an app is not a one-time expense. In fact, building and maintaining the app is an ongoing process, so its cost is measured in dollars-per-month. It should come as no surprise for a business person, as the cost of running a business is a certain amount of expenses per month. And as long as the monthly…