What Does a Back-End Developer Do?
The work of a back-end developer isn't visible to the user, but it's essential for the success of a web application. I can easily prove it with the example of an ordinary car. Figuratively speaking, everything the user sees and uses: the settings of the on-board systems, 2-3 pedals, the steering wheel, the beautiful interior - that's the front-end developer's work. Meanwhile, the back-end is all the components of the car that are invisible to the user: fuel and cooling systems, engine, transmission, ventilation and air…

Customer Responsibilities in a Software Project
"I'm really short on time. Could you make an app for my business without me being involved?" Sometimes, an entrepreneur isn't too keen on regularly discussing matters with developers. They'd prefer it if we could just jot down all their wishes for the upcoming app and give them a call when it's all done. In such instances, our reply is that this undertaking is bound to fall flat. This approach doesn't hold up, and that's the focus of this article. **Why is it important to [engage with customers during app…