Alex Nowak

Software Developer

Humorous Side of Quality Assurance and Testing Memes

In the fast-paced world of mobile app development, a team of unsung heroes quietly toils behind the scenes, ensuring that the apps we love and rely on function seamlessly. These behind-the-scenes champions are Quality Assurance (QA) engineers, the diligent individuals responsible for meticulously testing and fine-tuning mobile applications to guarantee they meet the highest standards. But who says the world of QA engineering has to be all serious and no fun? In this article, we'll take a lighthearted and entertaining look at the world of QA engineers, showcasing a collection of hilarious and…

Why We Communicate With Our Customers Every Day

So, one might ask, why do we do this? Let me share a story from my own experience. Picture an app owner coming back from a month-long mountain trip, only to realize that the newly introduced app feature appears and functions differently than anticipated. This misstep has already affected the user engagement metrics they monitor within the app. The questions arise: How come? Didn't they clearly outline the intended feature specifics in the task description they provided to the developers? Didn't they appoint a company manager to supervise the development process? Let's investigate these…